Welcome to my website!
I'm Yuya a Fullstack Engineer based in Nice France from Tokyo with creativity and huge passion for technology. This is one of portfolio projects. I implemented this website with using hugo.
job Experiences
2024/05 - CURRENT
0 yrs 8 mos
Fullstack engineer
2021/10 - 2024/05
2 yrs 8 mos
Fullstack engineer
2020/04 - 2021/08
1 yr 5 mos
Junior fullstack engineer
2019/04 - 2020/03
1 yr
Web marketing internship
Implementing geolocalization app
I'm collaborating with a business professional and a designer for a start up project to implement a cross-platform application utilizing the Google Maps API. The frontend was developed using React Native Expo, while the backend was implemented by Nest.js.
Implemented my V1 portfolio website
This is my previous portfolio. I developed the website using Gatsby.js, incorporating a Markdown blog and styling it with CSS modules. The site is seamlessly deployed on Netlify and is connected to a GitHub repository for continuous integration and version control.
Authored an article for a Japanese tech magazine
I authored an article for the January 2025 issue of Nikkei Software Magazine (日経ソフトウエアマガジン2025年1月号) featuring a book database application that I developed. The application is capable of scanning a barcode and retrieving the ISBN using Quagga2, an open-source barcode scanning library. It then fetches book information from the Rakuten Books API using the ISBN. The data is stored in an SQLite database and displayed on the frontend.
Authored an article for a Japanese tech magazine
I authored an article for the January 2024 issue of Nikkei Software Magazine (日経ソフトウエアマガジン2024年1月号). The article features an OCR translation application that I developed. The application is capable of extracting text from image files using Tesseract.js, an open-source OCR library. It then translates the extracted text using the DeepL translation Web API. Additionally users have the option to save both the translated text and the original uploaded image using indexedDB.
I created a library for Websocket with self singed cert for React Native
I've been working on a React Native library that enables WebSocket communication using self-signed certificates.
Fixing SVG Rendering Issues on Safari with Expo v51 and React Native
A guide to solving SVG rendering issues on iOS and Safari in React Native using Expo.
Solved Cloudflare time out error by Transfer Encoding chunked
I had to implement an API which might take more than 30 sec and encountered Cloudflare timeout error. In order to solve this, I used transfer encoding chunked.
I recreated portfolio web site by hugo
My previous portfolio site was built with Gatsby.js. As for Gatsby.js, I think it is easy to use and I personally like it, but I decided to rebuild it with Hugo simply because I wanted to try Hugo.